Please allow us present you – successful and progress-orientated leaders!

During the period of October to November ´15, HCD Services in co-operation with its good partner Tehnopol conducted a club series “Success Through People” aimed for successful and progress-orientated leaders. Within this interactive club series, we discussed a variety of very important subjects: what kind of leaders have the capability of pushing the “start” button in others and how do they motivate themselves? What kind of challenges do they face in their daily roles and how do they successfully overcome these dilemmas? What type of people should be recruited and how should they be managed in order to make it to the big, wide world? How can a leader create global solutions by the involvement of his people? How to lead people through changes and create long-term wins for the people as well as the organization itself? The stage was taken by true leaders, we shared our experiences and best practices, innovative approaches and inspiring ideas, solved together case studies, did some theatre as well as created strategies.
“Klubi sari oli motiveeriv ja innustav saamaks ühist teadmist sama valdkonna inimeste/juhtidega ning jagamaks oma kogemusi. Väga põnev oli näha kõiki rõõmuga kaasa töötamas ja lisaks uute kogemuste saamisele ka tõhusalt koostööd tegemas“. „Tehnopol väärtustab avatult uute ja innovaatiliste juhtimispõhimõtete rakendamist tehnoloogiaettevõtetes – juhtide klubi formaat koostöös väga professionaalse HCD’ga on tõenäoliselt üks parimaid viise selleks.” Toomas Türk, Tehnopol
We would like to express our deep appreciation to truly inspiring performers, absolutely awesome audience, and sizzling emotions – let’s rather allow the photos tell about our common road of success!