Management guru Peter Drucker has said the golden words: „You cannot manage what you do not measure”. It is fairly logical to conclude from this statement that what cannot be measured, cannot be improved and without having a comprehensive understanding of how good we are doing, then it is impossible to also determine whether the […]
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Tõeliselt võimsa organisatsiooni loovad inimesed, keda juhitakse inspireerivalt, kinnitavad Starmaker OÜ personalijuht Katri Delimoge ja Ignite OÜ personalijuht Marit Alaväli. Miks küündivad mõned ettevõtted linnulennul kõrgustesse ja teised kiiluvad üleskeeratava mängulinnu kombel kondijõu vaibumisel nokk ees puitpõrandasse? Põhjuseks on reeglina inimesed. Inimesed, kes õigel käivitamisel loovad tõeliselt vägevaid organisatsioone. Parima tulemuse saavutamise aluseks on inspireerivad […]
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Ever wondered why some organizations succeed with flying colours, whilst others plummet like an unwound toy bird with its beak getting stuck in the hard floorboards? It is really fairly simple (or in some cases also a real challenge!) since it is all about PEOPLE who by right “ticking” build truly powerful organizations. Yet- what […]
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Knowledge hoarding is one of the principle issues of many modern day companies’ employees and such behavior is “backed up” by endless excuses from lack of time to the mentality of “what shall I get for it in return?”. The notion of not sharing knowledge in order to keep a valuable trump card in one’s […]
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During the past year I have been actively co-operating with foreign (mainly British) HR professionals and I must admit that whilst communicating with them I have heard less and less the term of “HR Manager” being used and more professionals of the field introducing themselves as HR Business Partners. Since the latter can be heard […]
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